How Often Do Kids Need to See a Dentist?

Dr. Lucia Gerstmann, Dr. Marlina Shah, DDS. Buckeye Pediatric Dentistry. Special Needs/Sensory Dentistry, General Anesthesia in a Comfortable Setting, Infant Oral Health, Smile Whitening, Extractions, Accident & Injury Services. Pediatric Dentist in Reynoldsburg, OH 43068.
smiling toddler

What Does a Kid’s Cavity Look Like?

As parents, we often associate a cavity in our child’s tooth with visible signs like discoloration or pain. However, the reality is that cavities can sometimes go unnoticed until they reach an advanced stage. Your pediatric dentist in Reynoldsburg is here to help you understand what a cavity in kids

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A Guide to Reducing Sugar Intake for Kids During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time of joy, family gatherings, and, let’s face it, indulging in delicious treats. While it’s perfectly normal to enjoy some festive sweets, it’s essential to be mindful of the impact excessive sugar can have on kids’ oral health. Your pediatric dentist in Reynoldsburg knows that

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How Colds and The Flu Impact Kids’ Oral Health

The changing seasons often bring with them an unwelcome guest – the cold and flu viruses. While the physical toll on children is widely known, what many parents may not realize is that these common illnesses can also have a significant impact on their oral health. Join your pediatric dentist

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How Often Do Kids Need to See a Dentist?

It’s recommended that adults see their dentist at least twice a year for dental cleanings and checkups. But what about kids? Do they really need to go to their pediatric dentist in Reynoldsburg every six months? The short answer is yes, but let’s dive deeper into why these bi-annual checkups are important — especially for kids.

First Birthday, First Visit

First thing’s first, it’s important to get your child to a pediatric dentist in Reynoldsburg by the time her first tooth comes in and ideally no later than her first birthday. Getting your baby used to the dentist is crucial to setting her up for a lifetime of dental health. Don’t worry, we make dental visits fun from the very first time we meet you and your child.

Twice a Year Keeps Teeth Clear

After your child’s first visit, you should begin a regular schedule of having dental checkups every six months or twice a year. However, according to a study conducted by the American Dental Association, 36% of parents didn’t know that kids should be seen by a dentist twice a year. These visits are so important to keeping your child’s teeth developing properly and catching any problems early before they have a chance to turn into something more serious.

Two Days a Year Keeps the Doctor Away

Seeing your pediatric dentist in Reynoldsburg two days a year helps protect your child’s tiny teeth by finding potential problems early when treatment is often easier and more successful. Preventive dental checkups can make sure that:

  • – Teeth are erupting properly
  • – There are no alignment concerns
  • – Teeth are protected from cavities
  • – Your child is comfortable with the dentist early on in life

Baby Teeth Are Important

Now, many times we tend to take baby teeth for granted. After all, they’re just going to fall out so why do we really need to take good care of them? The truth is, baby teeth serve several important purposes in development and overall health now and later in life because they:

Hold space for the permanent adult teeth — Without baby teeth sticking around for as long as they’re supposed to, adult teeth can drift and cause overcrowding or crookedness.
Help with chewing — Baby teeth develop as your child grows into eating more whole foods, and this isn’t an accident. Baby teeth help your child chew which can allow her to eat a well-balanced diet.
Develop proper speech — Our teeth are an important part of how we talk, and children need teeth as they learn to speak. Without them, children can develop speech problems.

If it’s been longer than six months since your little one has seen the dentist, or if she’s ready to have her very first dental checkup, we welcome you to call our pediatric dental office in Reynoldsburg to schedule an appointment with us. We’re always happy to meet new kiddos in our welcoming and fun environment!

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