How Do I Make My Child Less Scared Of The Dentist?

Dr. Lucia Gerstmann, Dr. Marlina Shah, DDS. Buckeye Pediatric Dentistry. Special Needs/Sensory Dentistry, General Anesthesia in a Comfortable Setting, Infant Oral Health, Smile Whitening, Extractions, Accident & Injury Services. Pediatric Dentist in Reynoldsburg, OH 43068.
Dr. Lucia Gerstmann, Dr. Marlina Shah, DDS. Buckeye Pediatric Dentistry. Special Needs/Sensory Dentistry, General Anesthesia in a Comfortable Setting, Infant Oral Health, Smile Whitening, Extractions, Accident & Injury Services. Pediatric Dentist in Reynoldsburg, OH 43068.

What Causes Tooth Discoloration In Kids?

A bright, healthy smile is a vital asset for kids as they grow and develop. However, parents often find themselves concerned when they notice discoloration on their child’s teeth. Tooth discoloration in kids is not uncommon and can appear as white spots, brown or dark areas, or take on a

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A Parent’s Guide to Nurturing Kids’ Teeth

As parents, we know that our children’s well-being is our top priority, and one crucial aspect of their health is their oral care. From the very first baby tooth to the emergence of a confident grin, each stage of dental development plays a vital role in kids’ overall health, development,

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Schedule Your Kid’s Back-to-School Dental Visit 

Welcome back, busy parents! As the summer days draw to a close and the back-to-school season approaches, we know you have a lot on your plate. Between shopping for school supplies and getting those new backpacks ready, it’s easy to overlook one essential aspect of your child’s well-being – their

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When Should Kids Wear a Mouthguard? 

Playing sports and being physically active is great for overall health and helps kids burn off energy, especially in the summer months. However, sports and other activities that involve physical contact can come with a risk of dental injury. That’s why your pediatric dentist in Reynoldsburg will always recommend that kids

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How Do I Make My Child Less Scared Of The Dentist?

It’s common for children to experience anxiety or fear when visiting the dentist. As a parent, it can be challenging to manage your child’s anxiety and help them feel more comfortable during their dental visits. However, there are several techniques and strategies you can use to make your child’s visit to their Reynoldsburg pediatric dentist a stress-free and positive experience.

Start Early

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children see a pediatric dentist no later than their first birthday. This is important for several reasons, but when it comes to managing anxiety, seeing a dentist early in age can help kids become familiar with the environment and establish a positive relationship with their dentist. Additionally, seeing your pediatric dentist in Reynoldsburg for checkups every six months can help your child become comfortable with the process, which can reduce their anxiety in the long run.

Be Positive 

As a parent, you know that what you say and what you do can impact your child’s feelings towards different things, including the dentist. So even if you’re a little bit afraid of the dentist yourself (it’s normal!), try to avoid using negative words or phrases that may scare your child. Instead, be positive when talking about dental appointments and use reassuring language to help them feel more comfortable. You can also praise your child for their bravery and positive behavior during the appointment.

Explain the Process

Simply explaining to your child what to expect at a dental appointment can go a long way in easing any fear they may have. One of the best ways we’ve found to do this is to role-play in the comfort of your home. Take turns playing dentist and patient, count teeth, look at teeth and tongues in a mirror, or have your child’s favorite toy attend his first dental visit to show off just how comfortable, easy, and fun it can be. 

Provide Distractions

Distractions can be an effective way to help children manage their anxiety during dental visits. Talk with your pediatric dentist about what you could bring along to appointments. Some items to consider are a favorite toy, book, or music player to help kids focus on something else.

Choose the Best Pediatric Dentist in Reynoldsburg for Your Little One

Going to any type of doctor’s appointment as a child can be scary and stressful, including taking a trip to the dental office. However, a little bit of research and asking around can help you find the best pediatric dentist for your child. See what friends and family say, read online reviews, and even call a few offices to hear their personalities. Finding a dentist that your child can relate to and can be comfortable with is a crucial part of making future dental visits a breeze. 

If your child is experiencing dental anxiety, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We can work with you to develop a customized plan to help your child feel more comfortable during their dental appointments. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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